Wet Area/Tank Waterproofing

Wet Area/Tank Waterproofing

Course Level : 1
Course Name : Wet Area/Tank Waterproofing
No of days : 2 days
Duration : 1 hr per day
Time : 7pm -8pm
Mode : Online ( Teams / Google meet )

Course Outline : Wet Area Waterproofing : Introduction to waterproofing and insulation system, Importance of wet area waterproofing, Design Considerations, Chances of failure in wet area, Products and Systems, Features and limitations, Application procedure, Bore packing, Sunken slabs and Flat slabs, Drawing and detailing, Tank Waterproofing: Introduction on Tank waterproofing, Types of Tanks, Design Considerations, Codes and standards, Design parameters, Systems, Application procedure, UG sumps and STP’s, Drawings and detailing